Wednesday, October 29, 2008

2 Days to Halloween Eeeek!

Normally, I love Halloween but this year I'm having trouble getting into the spooky spirit of Halloween. I had the good intentions of making my oldest son's costume (natuarally, he wanted a dinosaur outfit, again) and I did try, even to the point of having all the pieces cut out and ready to sew but alas, I ran out of time as his daycare party was on Monday. I ended up putting the little one in a dinosaur costume that I made two years ago and Mr G, the oldest wore his costume from last year, a lion. Unlike last year, he was loving the lion costume, wouldn't take it off. I was extremely relieved but as I have found in other years, when your kids are this young (1&3) Halloween is for the parents and adults and not so much for the kids. We will be taking them trick or treating early but just to a couple neighbours who just want to see the boys and then spend the rest of the evening winding them down off the sugar high (since they don't have sugar often, one piece of candy sends them zooming) and distributing goodies to all the other ghouls and ghosts in the neighbourhood. So I guess all in all this Halloween won't be so bad but I still feel lacking in spirit about it. Here's to next year.

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